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JUN 14, 2024

The Full FX Unfiltered – with New Change FX. What's happening in the FX swaps market?

In the latest edition of FullFX Unfiltered, Colin Lambert of The Full FX discusses with Paul Lambert, CEO of New Change FX, the increasing importance of FX swaps and interest rate curves. Paul Lambert highlights his experience in asset management, emphasizing the need for reliable data in swap trades, particularly as the market shifts from zero to non-zero interest rates. They delve into the recent ECB regulatory changes impacting excess reserves and FX swap pricing, stressing the benefits of granular data for both buy-side and sell-side clients. Improved data transparency allows for more informed trading decisions, better automation, and efficient market functioning, helping traders adapt to the evolving market dynamics. 

To view the full video, click here: (25) The Full FX Unfiltered – with New Change FX - YouTube


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